胡 明(Ming Hu)は中国出身の情報学者。京都情報大学院大学の准教授[1]である。
- (中国)青島大学理学士、貴州大学大学院修士課程修了(数学専攻)
- 京都大学大学院博士課程修了(情報学研究科数理工学専攻)、博士(情報学)[2]
- 元京都大学大学院情報学研究科外国人共同研究者[3]、元日本学術振興会特別研究員
- Ming Hu and Shuwen Xiang, "The stability of the set of KKM points in H-space and topological semilattice", Journal of GuiZhou University(Natural Science), 21(2), pp.118-123, 2004.
- Ming Hu and Shuwen Xiang, "The Upper Semicontinuity of the General additive Solutions on Optimization Problems", Journal of GuiZhou University(Natural Science), 23(3), pp.231-233, 2006.
- Ming Hu, Xiaoqin Hua, Deping Xu, "Two Groups Partial-node Implicit Schemes for Dispersive Equation", Journal of GuiZhou University(Natural Science), 21(2), pp.34-36, 2007.[4]
- Ming Hu, Bingyuan Pu, Yinghui Tang, "The Valuation of Double Call Option", Mathematics in Practice and Theory, pp.40-45, 2008(4).
- Ming Hu and Shuwen Xiang, "The stability of the efficient solutions for optimization problems", Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences, 28(6), pp.686-693, 2008. DOI:10.12341/jssms10221
- Ming Hu, "Preliminary Probe into the Application of Integer Programming in Mathematical Contest in Modeling", Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science), pp.1-4, 2009(2).
- Ming Hu, "Feasibility of classification on two kinds of 2-person noncooperative finite games", Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology(Natural Science), 24(4), pp.405-409, 2010.
- Ming Hu and Masao Fukushima, "Variational inequality formulation of a class of multi-leader-follower games", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 151(3), pp.455-473, 2011.CRID:1050001335723686784 NII論文ID:120003573888
- Ming Hu and Masao Fukushima, "Smoothing approach to Nash equilibrium formulations for a class of equilibrium problems with shared complementarity constraints", Computational Optimization and Applications, 52(2), pp.415-437, 2012. CRID:1050001335734690816 NII論文ID:120004247243
- 胡明「マルチリーダー・フォロワゲームとそれに関連する問題に関する研究(Studies on multi-leader-follower games and related issues)」京都大学博士論文,博士(情報学), 2012-09-24 CRID:1110564260220210944 NII論文ID:500000565857
- Ming Hu and Masao Fukushima, "Existence, uniqueness, and computation of robust Nash equilibrium in a class of multi-leader-follower games", SIAM Journal on Optimization, 23(2), pp.894-916, 2013.[5],京都大学数理解析研究所,数理解析研究所講究録1829, pp.122-138, 2013-03 CRID:1050282810781997440 NII論文ID:110009574628
- Ming Hu and Masao Fukushima, "Multi-leader-follower games:models, methods and applications", Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, 58(1), pp.1-23, 2015. CRID:1390001204109263744 NII論文ID:130005067215
- 胡明,作花一志「Rによる数値計算と統計解析」,NAIS Journal, 10, pp.61-69, 2015. CRID:1520574876220462592 国立国会図書館書誌ID:032361821[6]
- 胡明,露口大介,福田エレン秀美,福島雅夫「1-F-6 平滑化法を用いたマルチリーダーフォロワーゲームの解法(ゲーム理論(1))」,公益社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会,日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会秋季研究発表会アブストラクト集2015 114-115, 2015-09-10 CRID:1570291227548818688 NII論文ID:110010011285
- 胡明,露口大介,福田エレン秀美「平滑化法を用いたマルチリーダーフォロワーゲームの解法」,京都大学,数理解析研究所講究録(1981), 149-157, 2016-01 CRID:1520572359990735488 NII論文ID:110010016293[7]
- Ming Hu and Keiji Emi, "Educational Report of Programming Language Dolittle for Foreign Students", NAIS Journal, 11, pp.30-33, 2017. CRID:1520011926265964288
- 胡明「ラーニング・アウトカムのデジタル評価法」,NAIS Journal, 12, pp.20-28, 2017. CRID:1520011926267019136 国立国会図書館書誌ID:032362156[8]
- 胡明,江見圭司,小林信三,サンフォード・ゴールド,高弘昇,長谷川功一「IMS Learning Impact Awardのコンテストへの参加報告」,NAIS Journal, 13, pp.16-19, 2019. CRID:1520293401243759872 国立国会図書館書誌ID:032360857[9]
- Essay writing tips for PaperLeaf's Canada blog
- Ming Hu, "Variational inequality formulation of a class of multi-leader-follower games(oral presentation)", Nanjing University-Kyoto University Joint Workshop on Algorithms, Optimization and Numerical Analysis 2010, Nanjing, China, 11.22-11.23, 2010.
- Ming Hu, "Smoothing approach to Nash equilibrium formulations for a class of EPECs(oral presentation)", ICOTA 8, Shanghai, China, 12.10-12.13, 2010.[10]
- Ming Hu, "Nash equilibrium formulations for EPECs with P-matrix linear complementarity system(oral presentation)", ICIAM 2011, Vancouver, Canada, 7.18-7.22, 2011.
- Ming Hu, "Nash equilibrium formulations for EPECs with P-matrix linear complementarity system(oral presentation)", Association of Young Cross-Optimization Research, Kyoto, Japan, 8.29-8.31, 2011.
- Ming Hu, "Existence, uniqueness, and computation of robust Nash equilibrium in a class of multi-leader-follower games(oral presentation)", Nanjing-Kyoto Joint Workshop on Algorithms, Optimization and Numerical Analysis 2012, Kyoto, 3.12, 2012.[11]
- Ming Hu, "Existence, uniqueness, and computation of robust L/F Nash equilibrium in a class of multi-leader-follower games(oral presentation)", Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 7.24, 2012.
- Ming Hu, "Second-order cone complementarity formulation for a class of robust multi-leader-follower games(poster presentation)", The Operations Research Society of Japan, Hikone, Japan, 10.27-10.28, 2012.
- Ming Hu, "Existence, uniqueness, and computation of robust Nash equilibrium in a class of multi-leader-follower games(oral presentation)", 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming(ISMP 2012), Berlin, Germany, 8.19-8.24, 2012.
- Ming Hu, "A smoothing method combined with penalization for some equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints(oral presentation)", South Pacific Optimization Meeting SPOM 2013, Newcastle, Australia, 2.9-2.12, 2013.
- 上海外高橋株式会社の為に,鋼の切削における最短経路問題のデザインとアルゴリズムにおける研究,2008年2月~6月
- 香港理工大学で訪問研究者として訪問研究,2010年1月~2月
- アメリカミネソタ大学で訪問研究者として訪問研究,2012年1月~2月
- ↑ https://www.kcg.edu/faculty/associate-professor/m-hu
- ↑ https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/1110564260220210944
- ↑ https://www.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/archive/pdf/pub16.pdf
- ↑ https://xueshu.baidu.com/usercenter/paper/show?paperid=f05cf89e18f6f4505c8c03cf010ba107
- ↑ https://doi.org/10.1137/120863873
- ↑ https://ndlonline.ndl.go.jp/#!/detail/R300000002-I032361821-00
- ↑ https://iss.ndl.go.jp/books/R000000025-I004595915-00
- ↑ https://ndlonline.ndl.go.jp/#!/detail/R300000002-I032362156-00
- ↑ http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/031517617
- ↑ https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10589-011-9416-0
- ↑ https://doi.org/10.1137/120863873