白石 悠広(しらいし はるひろ、1996年1月12日 - )は、日本の研究者。土木工学者。水産庁[1]。
- Hajime Shiraishi and Haruhiro Shiraishi. "Development and evaluation of new simple mechanisms for shock absorption of the ankle." Forces in Mechanics 7 (2022): 100095.[4]
- Haruhiro Shiraishi and Hajime Shiraishi. "Development of a Speed Control Device for Fishing Vessels at Low Speeds and Simulation of the Control System." Automation 3.4 (2022): 545-562.[5]
- Hajime Shiraishi and Haruhiro Shiraishi. "New Mechanical Knee Supporter Device for Shock Absorption." Machines 10.7 (2022): 574.[6]
- ↑ 白石悠広 - Researchmap
- ↑ 修猷館・離・退任式、対面式 : 東北修猷会 (exblog.jp)
- ↑ “白石 悠広 (Haruhiro Shiraishi) - マイポータル - researchmap”. researchmap.jp. 2023年3月26日確認。
- ↑ Shiraishi, Hajime; Shiraishi, Haruhiro (2022-05-01). “Development and evaluation of new simple mechanisms for shock absorption of the ankle” (英語). Forces in Mechanics 7: 100095. . .
- ↑ Shiraishi, Haruhiro; Shiraishi, Hajime (2022-12). “Development of a Speed Control Device for Fishing Vessels at Low Speeds and Simulation of the Control System” (英語). Automation 3 (4): 545–562. . .
- ↑ Shiraishi, Hajime; Shiraishi, Haruhiro (2022-07). “New Mechanical Knee Supporter Device for Shock Absorption” (英語). Machines 10 (7): 574. . .