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ナンキョクハダカカメガイ(南極裸亀貝、Clione antarctica)とは、ハダカカメガイ科に分類される浮遊性巻貝の一種で、広義のウミウシの仲間である。








天敵から身を守るため、魚類忌避物質のヒペリイドを合成する[6]。端脚目クラゲノミ科に属するヒペリエラ・ディラタタ(Hyperiella dilatata)は、本種に寄生して、天敵の魚類から身を守る[6]




  1. a b Whitehead, K.; Karentz, D.; Hedges, J. (2001). “Mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in phytoplankton, a herbivorous pteropod (Limacina helicina), and its pteropod predator (Clione antarctica) in McMurdo Bay, Antarctica”. Marine Biology 139 (5): 1013. doi:10.1007/s002270100654. 
  2. Rudman, W. B. (11 January 2006). "Clione antarctica (Smith, 1902)". Sea Slug Forum. accessed 2 February 2011.
  3. 『Marine Chemical Ecology』 CRC Press、1997年、215頁。ISBN 0-8493-9064-8
  4. Larson, R. J.; Harbison, G. R. (1990). “Medusae from Mcmurdo Sound, Ross Sea including the descriptions of two new species, Leuckartiara brownei and Benthocodon hyalinus. Polar Biology 11. doi:10.1007/BF00236517. http://fau.digital.flvc.org/islandora/object/fau%3A6268. 
  5. a b Seibel, B. A.; Dierssen, H. M. (2003). “Cascading trophic impacts of reduced biomass in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Just the tip of the iceberg?”. The Biological Bulletin 205 (2): 93–97. doi:10.2307/1543229. JSTOR 1543229. PMID 14583506. .
  6. a b Yoshida, W. Y.; Bryan, P. J.last3=Baker (1995). “Pteroenone: A Defensive Metabolite of the Abducted Antarctic Pteropod Clione antarctica”. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 60 (3): 780. doi:10.1021/jo00108a057. 
  7. Gilmer, R.W; Lalli, C.M. (1990). “Bipolar variation in Clione, a gymnosomatous pteropod”. Am. Malacol. Union Bull 8 (1): 67-75. 
  8. Smith, E. A. (1902). VII. Mollusca. In: Report on the collections of natural history made in the Antarctic regions during the voyage of the "Southern Cross". p. 201-213. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/12554136#page/215/mode/1up. 


  • Bryan P. J., Yoshida W. Y., McClintock J. B. & Baker B. J. (1995). "Ecological role for pteroenone, a novel antifeedant from the conspicuous antarctic pteropod Clione antarctica (Gymnosomata: Gastropoda)". Marine Biology 122: 271-277.
  • Gilmer R. W. & Lalli C. M. (1990). "Bipolar variation in Clione, a gymnosomatous pteropod". Am. Malacol. Union Bull. 8(1): 67-75.
  • Nakamura, Y.; Kiyota, H.; Baker, B. J.; Kuwahara, S. (2005). “First Synthesis of (+)-Pteroenone: A Defensive Metabolite of the Abducted Antarctic Pteropod Clione antarctica”. ChemInform 36 (32). doi:10.1002/chin.200532193. 
  • Yoshida, W. Y.; Bryan, P. J.; Baker, B. J.; McClintock, J. B. (2010). “ChemInform Abstract: Pteroenone: A Defensive Metabolite of the Abducted Antarctic Pteropod Clione antarctica”. ChemInform 26 (29): no. doi:10.1002/chin.199529325.