あきら・あべ (小惑星)
(6658) Akiraabe = 1977 KO = 1980 DH5 = 1992 WT2 = 1994 EO3
Discovered at Kitami on 1992-11-18 by K. Endate and K. Watanabe.
(6658) Akiraabe = 1992 WT2
Named in honor of Akira Abe (b. 1934), managing editor of Hoshino Techo ("Star Handbook"), a quarterly journal that existed from 1978 to 1993 and popularized astronomy with the help of high-quality articles by professional astronomers. He has played a pivotal role in introducing many amateurs and professionals to astronomy. Name proposed by the discoverers following a suggestion by A. Fujii and A. Tanno. [Ref: Minor Planet Circ. 31610]
元期 = 2022年1月21日 (JD 2459600.5)
軌道長半径 = 2.2907719天文単位
近日点距離 = 2.1186109 天文単位
遠日点距離 = 2.463 天文単位
離心率 = 0.0751541
公転周期 = 3.47 年
軌道傾斜角 = 4.61413度
昇交点黄経 = 112.81780度
近日点引数 = 217.59715度
平均近点角 = 232.82756度
絶対等級 = 13.61